据每日电讯报5日报道,澳大利亚鲤鱼泛滥成灾,政府拟将一条植入芯片的鲤鱼在帕拉玛塔河中放生,并宣布能够钓上这条鲤鱼的垂钓者可以获得100万澳元(466万人民币)的奖励。这条政令吸引了不少垂钓者前来尝试。图为垂钓者钓上来的鲤鱼。 There are too many carps in Australian rivers and the government is rewarding 1 million Australian dollars (4.66 million yuan) for the capture of a particular carp, which was planted in a chip and thenreleased into the Parramatta River, according to Daily Mail and August 5. This has attracted quite some anglers. The picture above shows a carp an angler got. 帕拉玛塔河是位于悉尼西部的河流,鲤鱼属于这条河流中的外来物种。如今河里的鲤鱼越长越大,远超出正常水平,对河流的生态环境造成了巨大影响。 The Parramatta River lies in the west of Sydney, and carps are alien species in this river. Now the carps have gotten so big that they are having a major negative effect on the environment of the river. 这些鲤鱼生活在河流底部,它们的过度活动会像推土机一样搅动河流底部泥沙,使原本清澈的水变浑浊,进而威胁到何种其他生物的生活。 These carps live at the bottom of the river. Too many movements of theirs may stir the mud like a bulldozer and turn the clear water muddy, which threatens the life of other creatures. 议员保罗-加勒德表示,这个悬赏的做法不仅可以通过垂钓有效减少鲤鱼数量,也可以间接保护被鲤鱼侵占领地的帕拉玛塔河鳗鱼。 Councilman Paul Garrad explained that this action can not only effectively reduce the number of carps, it can also protect the local Parramatta River eel, whose living quarters have been occupied by carps. 西悉尼大学环境科学讲师则表示,早在殖民时期欧洲人向澳大利亚引进了许多类似鲤鱼的外来生物。这些生物对澳大利亚的生态环境造成了很大破坏。 A lecturer from University of Western Sydney has argued that back in the Colonial Period, Europeans had brought many alien species similar to carps into Australia, and those species have been doing great damage to the environment. 除了鲤鱼之外,垂钓者也钓上来了很多其他外来属于物种侵入的鱼,包括金鱼和食蚊鱼等等。 Besides carps, anglers have caught many other kinds of fish that are alien, like goldfish and mosquitofish.
CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播 英语环球广播2015-08-14 17:17:50 [澳大利亚] 鲤鱼成灾 政府悬赏百万(双语)http://learning.sohu.com/20150814/n418891089.shtml